Individual Nutrition Counseling

Initial Consultation (60-75 minutes)

This is the “getting to know you” and “where do get started” session.

  • All sessions start with a full assessment of your history (medical, food/nutrition, dieting, and social).

  • All nutrition related questions are addressed with trustworthy information.

  • Weight inclusive Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) is provided for those individuals with conditions such as type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, fatty liver and others.

  • Each session ends with the creation of agreed upon goals and an action plan to get you started on your nutrition journey.

Follow-up (45-60 minutes)

These sessions are meant to build upon the foundation we initially built. We use our previous discussions, action plan, education material, and meal planning principles as guides to move you towards the goals you have set. Each session ends with a new and revised action plan.

Individual Intuitive Eating Counseling (30-60 minutes)

These sessions are specifically designed to address your relationship with food and body. In these sessions we use the 10 principle, Intuitive Eating framework to help you discover self-trust, enjoyment, and flexibility with food and movement.

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Health Insurance Accepted through January 1, 2025
